
Tea, coffee, tobacco products, acidic beverages consumed in daily life, the use of antibiotics at young ages and even aging can cause discoloration of the teeth. Bleaching is applied to reduce the yellow or brown tones that occur on the teeth. 

Bleaching is a process performed to clean the colored organic or inorganic substances in the enamel and to restore the natural whiteness of the teeth. The patients who will undergo the bleaching procedure are first examined and their suitability for bleaching is checked by the dentist. Firstly the tooth surface is cleaned. Then the tooth tone is determined. During the application, a gingival protective gel is applied to prevent damage to the gingiva and the patient wears glasses to protect their eyes. A concentrated whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth to remove stains, and then a laser is used to heat and activate the applied gel, which quickly whitens your teeth. Bleaching process takes an average of 30-60 minutes. 

Bleaching  is an easy and painless procedure and does not require anesthesia. Depending on the tooth structure, sensitivity may be felt on the first day and the patient can use pain killers if he/she prefers. Patients who have bleaching should avoid tea, coffee, cigarettes, red wine and food dyed foods/drinks for the first few days. 

Depending on the stain status on the teeth, the desired whiteness can be achieved with a single session application, or it may be necessary to repeat the sessions several times. The frequency of recurrence may vary depending on factors such as how much importance the patient attaches to dental hygiene and care, and whether he or she uses tobacco products. 

Bleaching does not harm your teeth, gums and, if any, crowns or veneers in your mouth. However, it is not recommended for those who have a lot of corrosion on their teeth, those who have a disease related to tooth enamel, those who are allergic to hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, and those who have advanced gum recession.

Our dentist will clean and inspect the patient’s teeth during this process. The patient’s gums are then protected before to the application of a tooth-whitening gel. The gel is exposed to the world-famous ‘Zoom’ lazer teeth whitening light using cutting-edge technology and under the close supervision of our dentist. This method can whiten teeth by three to four shades.

Tooth colour varies from individual to individual. Yellowing or staining of the teeth can be caused by cigarette smoking, excessive consumption of tea, coffee, and acidic beverages, as well as insufficient dental hygiene and care. In some instances, foetal or early anatomical abnormalities or long-term pharmaceutical use can also produce variances in tooth colour. The ‘Zoom’ laser whitening technology is the most efficient and cost-effective method for such circumstances.

In rare instances, the patient will be required to apply a home whitening treatment while having laser whitening at our clinic. Together with our laboratory technicians, our cosmetic dentists will be explaining how to administer and store the gel in such instances.

Two reasons for discoloured teeth;

Inner Colouration

If the patient is unable to obtain whiter teeth after following a regular oral and dental hygiene regimen (such as brushing and flossing), the discoloration is likely due to the use of numerous drugs, a congenital disease, or antibiotics.

External Coloration

Teeth discoloration and yellowing can be caused by poor oral hygiene, smoking, and regular consumption of tea, coffee, and acidic and sugary beverages.

The Methods of whitening teeth;

  1. Home tooth whitening
  2. Laser teeth whitening
  3. A combination of home and clinic tooth whitening
  4. ‘Zoom’ tooth whitening

Patients prefer to get their teeth whitened under the supervision of a dentist at our clinic for faster results. However, the most effective approach is a mix of in-clinic treatment and additional treatment at home. The popular Zoom laser teeth whitening process, the latest in dental technology, is also available at our facility.

How to Use a Home Tooth Whitening Kit?

The dentist will take an impression of the patient’s teeth and make custom trays to which whitening gel will be applied. The dentist will provide the patient with instructions on how to use the trays, but in general, the patient will maintain a tray in his or her mouth for four to ten hours every day for two to three weeks.

A combination of home and clinical teeth whitening;

This method of treatment combines the ‘Home Kit’ dental whitening therapy, which the patient will complete under the supervision of the dentist (see above), with the laser dental whitening treatment performed by the dentist in our clinic. Typically, this procedure is performed for persistent tooth discoloration. or to deliver a lasting white smile to our international patients.

‘Zoom’ teeth whitening;

Always attentive to the needs of our patients, we now offer the internationally renowned Zoom tooth whitening therapy. This unique whitening treatment is performed by our cosmeticians after a complete cleaning of the patient’s teeth and can lighten the colour of the patient’s teeth by three or four tones in a few hours.


For at least two months after the whitening procedure, the patient must abstain from smoking, dark staining beverages such as tea, coffee, and red wine, and foods like as cakes and strawberries. Failure to do so will result in negative reactions and more tooth discoloration.

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